IP licensing
License innovation and access a rich portfolio of possibilities
Tap into a rich and wide portfolio of technologies and intellectual property. Transform research, knowledge and technology into actual social and economic impact. Browse through technologies via our dedicated IP portfolio portal or speak to our team about your specific needs.
Discover our portfolio: we’re interested in collaboration, development and early-stage concepts and want to amplify the impact of our research through partnership and our Technology Transfer Centre.
To talk more about IP management, ownership and commercial distribution, please contact Christian or visit our IP portal.
Speak to me to see how we can help
Hello, I’m Christian Ziar and I head up the Technology Transfer team. We oversee the identification, translation and commercialisation of impactful innovation and manage the University’s IP portfolio. The team are here to support the protection and commercialisation of research that shapes ground-breaking innovation.
Christian Ziar
Head of Technology Transfer